by Communications | Feb 3, 2020 | Service |
If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, OSL’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is always looking for help keeping the closet full of beautiful shawls to be given as a blessing. You may help by crocheting or knitting a prayer shawl of any color or design (some patterns are available...
by Communications | Jul 24, 2018 | Service |
Among the many opportunities to serve OSL and the larger community, these ongoing opportunities stand out: Greeters, ushers, communion servers, and Welcome Center hosts. Each of these volunteer positions is an important component of Our Savior’s dedication to worship...
by Communications | Jul 24, 2018 | Service |
OSL ensembles offer many opportunities for you to share your gifts of music. Ensembles’ members pray together and strive to grow in faith through worship music. Contact Gene LeVasseur, Director of Worship, for more information: for...
by Communications | Jul 24, 2018 | Service |
Serve OSL TV Ministry as a camera operator on Sunday mornings—two openings now exist. It’s fun and easy, and a great way to help spread OSL’s ministry far and wide. Stop by the TV control room on the lower level on Sunday morning to join up. Training will be provided....