Christmas Church Office Hours
The church office will be closed on Wednesday, Dec. 25, Thursday, Dec. 26, and Wednesday, Jan. 1.
New Office Hours
Starting Thursday, Jan. 2, the church office hours will be:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve: 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. in the Celebrate Center
4:00 and 7:00 p.m. in the Festive Sanctuary
Christmas Day: 10:00 a.m. in the Festive Sanctuary
Sunday Following Christmas: 10:00 a.m. in the Festive Sanctuary
Upcoming Events
Christmas Eve Dinner
OSL will be hosting a Christmas Eve dinner on Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. in the Friendship Room for those who may be alone this holiday.
The Food Ministry team asks the congregation to donate Christmas goodies. Sign up at the front desk in the office!
Lessons and Carols: Special Worship
A special worship will be held on Sunday, Dec. 29 at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary. This will be the only service this Sunday. A potluck coffee hour will follow. Bring Christmas goodies! Wear your favorite Christmas sweater!
Friendship Club: Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia
The monthly Friendship Club meeting will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 11 a.m.
Michelle Kutner from the Alzheimer’s Association will talk about the difference between Alzheimer’s, dementia, risk factors, and treatments.
Dancers Still Needed for the Christmas Eve Candle Dance!
Dancers are still needed for the Christmas Eve Candle Dance, held Dec. 24 at all four services. This longtime Our Savior’s tradition involves carrying a candle globe with a flame, and is open to those in Grade 5 through adult. Rehearsal will be Monday, Dec. 23 at 10:00 am. Dancers are encouraged to participate in all four services, but this is not a requirement. Contact Grace Wehrspann,, or Deanna Wehrspann,, (605) 336-2942 ext. 37.
Advent Devotionals
Follow Luther Seminary’s Advent devotionals by picking one up at the church or with this link:
Ways to Help
Christmas Eve Ushers
OSL is in search of ushers and communion leaders/servers to serve during Christmas Eve services. Sign-up sheets are at the information desk and the sacristies!!/showSignUp/805054BACAB2EA3FB6-53717773-christmas
Lutheran Outdoors Needs Our Help!
We have been asked to put a work team together to head out to Klein Ranch Bible Camp from May 22 to 25, 2025 to get it fixed up and ready to re-open for campers. This multi-generational servant trip would:
- Work during the day (plumbing, carpentry, general cleaning)
- Fish Jake’s dam before supper!
- ampfires at night.
- Senior High youth on up…
- NO COST to go!
- We will cook our own meals (a cook along would nice!)
- 12-15 workers. Sign up on youth bulletin board
Contact Pastor Greg Johnson for more information (605-940-5875)
Fill Out Our Time and Talent Survey!
Fill out our Time and Talent Survey so we can learn more about our parishioners and their talents!
Help Resettlement of New Americans through Lutheran Social Services
Be a full or partial sponsor of a family new to our country.
A full sponsor will:
- Greet the family at the airport.
- Set up their home.
- Provide for rent and utilities for four months
- Orient the family to the community
- Practice English with the family
- Assist in job placement
To learn how you can help sponsor a newly arriving family, contact:
Center For New Americans
300 E. 6th St., Suite 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57103-7020
605-731-2000, 866-242-2447
For more information go to:
Cookie and Bar Donations
Love baking? The Food Ministry team accepts cookie and bar donations to keep in the freezer for confirmation dinners on Wednesday nights and Sunday morning coffees. Please bring to Debbie Theis in the office!
Warming Hearts
Hats, scarfs, mittens are being collected to donate to students at Susan B. Anthony Elementary. Drop off these items at the office. Donations will be delivered in January 2025.
Help Feed South Dakotans
12,500 South Dakotan families are turning to Feeding South Dakota every month for food assistance. That number grows over the holidays.
Consider donating to help feed fellow South Dakotans!
A gift of $25 will provide 75 meals. A gift of $35 will help provide 105 meals.
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