Travel to Germany Deadline Extension
There’s still room for a few more travelers who want to make the pilgrimage to Germany in May 2017 in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with Prs. Randy and Shelly Gehring. Informational brochures and registration forms are available at the kiosk near the Information Center and in the Church Office. Questions? Contact Pr. Randy, 336-2942, ext. 11, or rgehring@oslchurch.com. Final registration deadline is December 31.
It’s Madness!
Every semester, Our Savior’s invites all Augie students over to study, socialize, relax, and eat. It’s medness—Midnight Madness!
The next Midnight Madness will be on December 11, from 6:00 p.m.. to midnight. On the menu this semester: barbeques, veggies, fruit, etc., served from 6:00, with pizza and ice-cream sundaes served at 9:00.
How can you help? Make a donation, prepare some snack items to bring in, volunteer to help out that evening, or all the above! Contact the Church Office, 336-2942, for details.

Theology on Tap
Join Pr. Randy at Monk’s House of Ale Repute (420 E. 8th St.) for conversation, reflection, prayer, and Christian community on Thursday, December 15, from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m., for the next Theology on Tap!
The Gifts of Advent: A Midweek Series for Advent
A gift is given freely and offered in love. In the weeks before Christmas, we often race around finding just the right gifts for friends and family. The season of Advent is itself a gift—a time set apart to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. We give thanks for God’s gift to us in the baby of Bethlehem.
OSL’s midweek Advent worship services will begin on Wednesday, November 30, and continue through Wednesday, December 21, at 7:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary. The December 14 worship service will be the annual Healing Service, especially for anyone who has experienced any kind of loss.
Come share the Gifts of Advent during this joyous season!
A Chance to Help
Are you in the process of helping your child navigate the college, scholarship, and financial-aid application process? Or have you recently been through that process and are aware of its complicated nature? Or have you not yet had experience filling out such paperwork but you are a patient and supportive person?
Local high-school youth of Latino immigrant families are interested in pursuing higher education and are in the exciting position of often being the first in their families to attend college; can you help them by proofreading and helping them edit their application essays? They and their families appreciate the support and guidance you can offer them in their journey. Contact Jennifer Lunder of the South Dakota Synod’s Ayuda project, 605-339-8571 or ayuda.elca@gmail.com, to get involved.
Opportunities to Serve
Sharing your gifts to help others this season, either your time as a volunteer or your finances, is to both give and receive. Here are some opportunities at OSL for you to help others during this holiday season:
• The Angel Tree
• Volunteer your time at Midnight Madness for Augustana students (December 11)
• Assemble gift bags for members who are unable to attend worship services (December 11)
• Help pack lunches for Lunch Is Served (December 14)
• Help serve and clean up after Advent meals (December 7, 14, and 21)
• Give an alternative gift via the ELCA Good Gifts table (December 11 and 18)
• Make a pan of fudge for St. Dysmas Prison Ministry
Breakfast and Supper Menus – November
Sunday, December 4 – Bacon and eggs
Wednesday, December 7 – Meatloaf
Sunday, December 11 – Biscuits and gravy
Wednesday, December 14 – Stuffed pork chops
Sunday, December 18 – Bacon and eggs
Wednesday, December 21 – Beef stroganoff
Sunday, December 25 – No breakfast (Christmas Day)
Wednesday, December 28 – No meal
Sunday, January 1 – No breakfast (New Year’s Day)
Breakfast is served on Sunday mornings, starting at 9:30.