Where does a person find hope when life at times seems so out of control? How can we, as a people of faith, find the strength we need to trust in the God who promises to be with us, in all things? How can we give thanks even in times such as these?
These are questions we invite you to consider with us as we journey through Thanksgiving week and celebrate again the day of Thanksgiving. Through daily scripture reflections and prayer, we invite you to hear the words of God’s faithful people. Hear how they found their hope, and gave thanks, throughout all the seasons of life. May these daily devotions and Thanksgiving service bring you peace during this holiday season, and may you too experience God’s presence with you, in all things.
Your pastors at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church,
Rev. Randy Gehring,
Rev. Tim Lemme,
Rev. Justin Kosec,
Rev. Shelly Gehring