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September 6, 2023
Here are a few new notes from OSL’s Governing Board, to keep everyone up-to-date:

Interim Pastor Update
The Governing board continues to work in close coordination with Bishop Constanze to determine a call for an Interim Senior Pastor for OSL, a process that is driven by the bishop in consultation with the board. Given Pastor Randy’s pending retirement on September 18 and with limited staff support due to vacancies, there is a significant need to fill the Interim Senior Pastor position as soon as possible to support continuity of the ministry and regular OSL activities.

The discussions have been ongoing and a candidate for the position has been identified. This candidate has met with the board, and we are now in active conversation with the interim pastor to begin as soon as September 19 to avoid any gaps in leadership and ensure continued support for staff, the congregation, and our overall mission for OSL.

Staffing Updates
As you may have heard, Renee Aaker, our wonderful office manager, has accepted another position in Sioux Falls and her last day with OSL will be September 8. We are going to miss her! We will need immediate assistance to fill the gap that her departure will leave and stretching our current staff for this help is not feasible. If you are interested or know of someone (inside or outside of OSL) that might be interested in working temporarily to help us fill this void, please reach out to any member of the OSL Governing Board or to Pastor Tim or Pastor Justin.

Pastor Justin and the search team are conducting interviews this week with a couple of applicants for the Director of Faith Formation position.

Interviews are also being held this week for the Facility Manager position. We hope to make a decision and complete the necessary background/reference checks and extend an offer by the end of the week.

Two congregation members have volunteered and are helping us write a job description for a volunteer coordinator position. This should be ready to go soon and we can begin to advertise for that important role. We want to help organize all the interest we have had in your willingness to serve.

Congregational Engagement
We continue to be encouraged by your response to the call to serve. Now is more important than ever to lean in and hear what God is calling you to do to serve your church and the OSL family. More help is needed and the invitations will continue to be extended during this period of transition. If you aren’t sure where you could fit in, just let us know you want to help and we will be sure to reach out and visit with you more about the opportunities.

Congregation Forums
The first of our board-hosted monthly congregation forums will be this Saturday, immediately following 5:00 p.m. worship, and Sunday, between services around 9:45 a.m. The board looks forward to you joining them to get important information and updates about what’s happening in your church, including an update on our interim pastor.

Thank you for your love and care for OSL.

September 1, 2023
Here are a couple of upcoming items OSL’s Governing Board wants everyone to know about:

● There will be some tree maintenance taking place over the next two weeks or so. Ash trees in the south parking lot will be treated against emerald ash borers; nine ash trees in the west parking lot will be cut down, but the wood will be milled and put to good use by OSL’s Woodshop Ministry Team.

● The Governing Board will present a congregational forum on Saturday, September 9, at 6:00 p.m. (following evening worship) and Sunday, September 10, at 10:00 a.m. (between worship services). Come learn about matters pertaining to congregational life.

Watch for information and updates from the board as OSL moves into the new programming year.