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Pr. Karen Young Trenne has come on board at OSL as interim lead pastor to help bridge the period of undertaking the call process for a full-time regular lead pastor.

With thoughtful conversation with Pr. Paul Svingen and the ability to plan in advance, we have been able to call an interim lead pastor who will not only be able to help meet OSL’s spiritual needs as a congregation, but also help implement the Transition Taskforce recommendations as Our Savior’s embarks on “new beginnings.”

In addition, a Call Committee has been nominated, with formal installation scheduled for services on September 14 and 15. Watch for more information soon.

We are very excited to have Pr. Karen bring her experience and expertise to Our Savior’s, and appreciate her flexibility to help until we are able to call a lead pastor. Initially, Pr. Karen will be getting to know the staff and getting up-to-speed with everything going on (which is a lot!). She will be formally introduced to the congregation at services on Kick-Off Weekend, September 7 and 8. We look forward to welcoming Pr. Karen as part of the OSL Family during this call-process period. Below is a short introduction and background piece. Welcome to the OSL family, Pr. Karen!

Shawn Pritchett
OSL President

Pr. Karen Young TrenneHello Our Savior’s! I am Pr. Karen Young Trenne. I love Jesus and sharing Jesus’ love with the world. I grew up in Fargo, N.D., and was graduated from the University of North Dakota and The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. I have been a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America since 1990, serving Jesus with the people of ten congregations including three multi-point parishes. I have served on the Northwestern Minnesota Synod staff as a Minister for Community and Leader Engagement. Most recently I have served with Sharon Lutheran Church, Grand Forks, as their Interim Administrative (Lead) Pastor.

My husband, Pr. Paul Trenne, and I have made our home in Grand Forks for 26 years. We are parents to two adult children, Benjamin and Rachel. I love to spend time at our little cabin on Lake Miltona near Alexandria, Minn., be outdoors, cheer for my favorite football and hockey teams, read, and travel.