From the Senior Pastor
The Shack Is Coming to Our Savior’s
Does God still love us when we’re angry at Him?
Is it possible to heal from unbearable loss?
The powerful story of the movie The Shack will connect with you—whether you are searching for faith or lost it somewhere along the way. And for everyone who is hurting and knows what it’s like to lose someone, The Shack offers a message of real-life hope.
Starting in worship on September 16 and 17, Our Savior’s will be hosting a three-week sermon series that will draw upon scripture and video clips from the film to help you trust God more completely, connect with God in a deeper way, and experience life-changing love and forgiveness even in the midst of pain.
Check oslchurch.com for all the details.
Join a LifeGroup during The Shack Sermon Series
A key piece of making the most of our sermon series on The Shack will be LifeGroups. LifeGroups are small groups of 8 to 12 people who gather regularly to connect relationally and grow spiritually. The group decides where and when to meet to study together, pray together, enjoy fellowship together, and serve together. LifeGroups help us go deeper in our faith by connecting us with other believers who also want to grow in their experience of God’s amazing love through relationships that are both meaningful and authentic.
LifeGroups follow a simple agenda as a way of being intentional about the time they share together. A typical agenda includes:
• Gather – a time of greeting one another
• Connect – a time of sharing highs and lows since the last meeting
• Pray – a time when group members pray with and for each other
• Study/Serve – a time for growing in faith and discipleship
• Reflect – a time to answer the question, “So now what?”
• Plan – a time to decide when/where the group will meet next and what it will do
• Send – a time to pray one last time and bless each other
Groups that plan to spend 60 to 90 minutes together on a regular basis will experience the benefits of growing together in faith, a sense of purpose, and mutual affection.
Why not consider being a part of a LifeGroup this fall at OSL? There is no doubt you will grow in your faith if you do, and OSL will continue to grow stronger as a community as we strive together to connect faith with everyday life.
Sign up at the Information Center, at oslchurch.com, or by calling the Church Office (336-2942)
Echoing the words of Papa in The Shack:
In fondness for each of you,
Pr. Randy Gehring
July 23, 2017
Jayden Bynon Davies, the son of Boone and Christina Davies.
July 29, 2017
Evelyn Henrietta Benck, the daughter of Josh and Michelle Benck.
August 6, 2017
Brooklyn Grace Wong, the daughter of Curtis and Laura Wong.
Memorials and Honoraria
July 2017
In Memory of Bob Axtell
Arlen Viste
Glenn and Cindy Wika
In Memory of Cheryl Dyvig
Don and Sarah Abbas
Marjorie Agrey
Conrad and Deborah Anderson
Donald Clauson
Diane Cramer
Larry and Lois Denison
Jack Dyvig
Sharon Eck
Bob and Rita Elmen
Dennis and Pam Hanneman
Kevin and Joy Hieber
Gayle Hooper
Marvin and Dawn Jensen
Delmyn and Arlys Johnson
Priscilla Jorve
Dick and Sherill Kinsley
Marilyn Metzger
Floyd and Carol Prouty
Ron and Martha Rossing
Twyla Sine
Wayne and Norma Steinocker
Arlen Viste
Martin and Barb Weber
Thomas and Renee White
Dale and Judith Winter
In Memory of Fred Sweeter
Don and Toady Weeg