Magnify the Gifts You Have, by Margot L. Nelson
As I write this, OSL is in the midst of Advent preparations, under the theme “Magnify!” In Mary’s song in the book of Luke, Mary indicates that her soul magnifies the Lord, reflecting the usual meaning of the term as glorifying, extolling, or praising the magnificence of God for the impending birth of our Savior.
Another meaning of the term magnify is to expand on or make more apparent, as with a magnifying glass. As we now come away from our celebration of the birth of Christ—a celebration marked by gifts of various kinds—I suggest we also recognize, and, yes, even magnify our own gifts and the opportunities we have to share them. We can do this both personally and collectively as a congregation. Take some time in this quieter post-Advent season to ponder the ways in which you are aware of your gifts and talents and already share them at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and elsewhere.
One of the ways in which I have recognized and chosen to share my gifts of compassion and presence—and to magnify them with others and in the presence of God—is through my Stephen Ministry. It is not only my gifts but the gift of God’s love and presence in our lives that I magnify. I am hoping that more of you in our congregation may choose Stephen Ministry as an opportunity to magnify the Lord as well as and affirm your own gifts. Pr. Tim Lemme (336-2942, ext. 19, or; Deb Harlan, Caring Ministries Director (336-2942, ext. 48, or; or Michelle Anderson, Faith Family Nurse (336-2942, ext. 28, or to learn more.
“And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies (magnifies) the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.’” Luke 1: 46–49