Never Alone, by Erin Kaiser
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15
I recently had a phone call with a friend of mine. It was great to have a good conversation with someone I do not see very often.
After our conversation, there were a few things I needed to process. What became clear, however, was how similar our conversation was to having a conversation with a Stephen Minister. While my heart was heavy at the time of the phone call, she listened nonjudgmentally, with compassion and empathy. She was not condemning the feelings or emotions I was expressing. She was in the moment.
There are those friends that we can sit and chat with about anything and know that what is said is not going beyond that conversation. This is also true of Stephen Ministers. They are there in those moments when your heart is heavy. Much like a good friend, a Stephen Minister listens with an open heart and mind, and is nonjudgmental and compassionate.
“No one should hurt alone. That’s why we have Stephen Ministry.” That’s more than a slogan or tag line—it’s the truth! A new Stephen Ministry class will be starting in January; why not sharpen your listening and empathy skills and your desire to help others by exploring Stephen Ministry training? Learn more by visiting with Pr. Tim Lemme (336-2942, ext. 19, or tlemme@oslchurch.com); Deb Harlan, Caring Ministries Director (336-2942, ext. 48, or dharlan@oslchurch.com); or Michelle Anderson, Faith Family Nurse (336-2942, ext. 28, or mianderson@oslchurch.com).