We Are Not Alone, by Erin Kaiser
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:12
In life, there is usually a moment that changes us. A death. A diagnosis. Becoming an empty-nester. A birth. Being fired. A change of jobs. A move. In these moments, there is a feeling of being alone, fear, and a sense of uneasiness of what the future might hold.
In Paul’s words to the people at Corinth, we are reminded that we are truly not alone. We are lifted up as part of the body of Christ. Although there are many, we are one body. As such, we walk, together, through the rough times as well as the good times.
During the rough times, know that there are Stephen Ministers who are more than happy to walk with you. Stephen Ministers are caring, empathetic people who are trained to listen nonjudgmentally. The relationship between Stephen Minister and care-receiver is Christ-centered, one-on-one, and confidential.
If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, contact Pr. Tim Lemme (336-2942, ext. 19, or tlemme@oslchurch.com); Deb Harlan, Caring Ministries Director (336-2942, ext. 48, or dharlan@oslchurch.com); or Michelle Anderson, Faith Family Nurse (336-2942, ext. 28, or mianderson@oslchurch.com).
A new Stephen Ministry training session is coming up at OSL this winter! If you would like to become a Stephen Minister, or took the class before and would like a refresher, contact one of the above people.

Stephen Ministry Sunday
Sunday, October 22, will be this year’s Stephen Ministry Sunday, with a shared emphasis on uplifting OSL’s Stephen Ministers and their contribution to the life and health of the OSL community, and on encouraging those who feel called to help their fellow members to prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister.
Watch for more information as Stephen Ministry Sunday approaches. Contact anyone on the Caring Ministries staff for more information: Pr. Tim Lemme (336-2942, ext. 19, or tlemme@oslchurch.com); Deb Harlan, Caring Ministries Director (336-2942, ext. 48, or dharlan@oslchurch.com); or Michelle Anderson, Faith Family Nurse (336-2942, ext. 28, or mianderson@oslchurch.com).