Quick Calendar – Youth
2, 9 – MSYG
2 – Colorado Boot Camp, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
5 – Lenten Wednesday schedule
12 – No programming
16 – No MSYG
19, 26 – Regular Wednesday schedule
21-23 – Spring Okoboji Recharge
23, 30 – MSYG
30 – Colorado Group Building

Wednesday Schedule
The Lenten schedule for confirmation and Emerge youth group will continue through the first week of April, followed by a week off for Holy Week and Easter. The regular schedule will resume on April 19 and continue till May 17. Confirmation will run from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m., and Emerge youth group from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Backpacking Prept
For students coming on the backpacking trip to Colorado, the second Boot Camp will be on Sunday, April 2, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Bring $5 to help pay for the trainer! There also will be a high impact group building day on Sunday, April 30, starting at 1:00 p.m., at Leif Erickson. More details to come!

Okoboji Recharge
The spring opportunity for confirmation students to go to an Okoboji Recharge is coming up—April 21 through 23! Register at www.okoboji.org using the code 17oslsf3. The registration fee is $79 ($5 discount for registering online, additional $5 off for being a first-time camper). Do not pay this fee online; it’s to be paid to OSL!

Envelope Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Silent Auction—you raised around $8,000 for OSL youth! However, we have about $8,000 more to go. We have 38 students going on trips this year, which is the biggest group since I have been here and which means we need to raise more money! So we are bringing back the envelopes. There are 150 envelopes hanging up in the windows by the Celebrate Center, numbered 1 through 150. Pick any envelope and whatever number is on the outside, you put that amount of money on the inside! Return your filled envelope to the Church Office and all of it will go toward students traveling Kenosha, Wisconsin, or Colorado this summer. Thank you for your continued support of these life-changing trips!


—­­Elise Hasche

Faith Formation Notes
Rotation students will help lead worship on April 2 and April 9. They will sing on April 2, in the 11:00 a.m. Festive worship service. They will wave palms at both the 8:45 Celebrate and 11:00 a.m. Festive worship services on April 9. Please allow your child to come and wave palms at whichever worship hour your family attends.

We’re excited to celebrate the Fifth-Grade Holy Communion Milestone with students and families. On Friday, April 7, Augustana University students will host a fun retreat night for them, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Pizza will be served. On Saturday morning, April 8, Pr. Sami will lead them in communion instruction from 10:00 to noon,

Faith Formation Notes, continued
with parents invited to join at 11:30. The Agape Meal, on April 12, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., will be a nice roast beef dinner—invite family and baptismal sponsors to be part of that special night. And finally, students will receive communion during Maundy Thursday worship, on April 13 at 6:30 p.m.

Contact me, mnesdahl@oslchurch.com, to sign your child up for the Augie retreat night and to reserve your family’s place for the Agape Meal.

­—Melissa Nesdahl

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