Youth Notes
Second Sunday Fun Day will be on Sunday, December 10. Middle School Youth Group (MSYG) is invited to stay for lunch after 11:00 a.m. worship, and then we’ll caravan to a senior facility to enjoy some Christmas cheer with the residents.
Something new is coming to OSL’s Christmas Eve worship schedule: All are invited to enjoy a new 2:00 P.M. worship service option, which will feature caring conversation, interactive storytelling, a prayerful activity, and carols. This service will engage all of your senses and draw you into the telling of the Christmas story.
OSL youth are putting together care packages for college students in time for Valentine’s Day. Make sure you or your student is included by sharing your address with Pr. Sami (sjohnson@oslchurch.com) or by filling out a slip at the Youth Info Table in The Gathering Place.
Questions about OSL Youth Ministry? Contact me, Pr. Sami Johnson, 336-2942, ext. 12, or sjohnson@oslchurch.com.

Scrip and Grocery Gift Cards
Stop by the Youth Information table in The Gathering Place on Sunday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30, and see what kind of scrip gift cards you can order. Orders placed by 2:00 p.m. Monday will be available to pick up on Thursday afternoon in the Church Office, or at the Youth Information Table on Sunday mornings. OSL Youth continue to sell Hy-Vee and Fareway gift cards as well. All proceeds help Youth Ministry.

Faith Formation Notes
Stop by the OSL Angel Tree to pick up the name of a local child who otherwise would not receive a gift this Christmas. Sunday, December 3 is the final Sunday to select a name. Thank you in advance for making someone’s Christmas extra special!
OSL children will present their “Really Really Really Good News” Christmas Program on Sunday, December 17, at both the 8:45 Celebrate and 11:00 Festive services. Families with children involved are asked to make sure one parent stays at the December 16 practice. Different age groups will practice at different times on December 16; you will have received email, paper notes, and post cards with your child’s time. Contact Melissa if you have questions: 336-2942, ext. 17, or mnesdahl@oslchurch.com.
Enjoy your Christmas break! Sunday and Wednesday School will not meet on December 24, 29, or 31.