Quick Calendar – Youth
1, 8, 15 – Regular Wednesday schedule
5, 12, 26 – MSYG
11-12 – Faith Fest at Augie
19 – No MSYG
22 – No programming
25, 26 – Silent Auction
Confirmation Fellowship Night
A Fellowship Night with confirmation students will be held on February 15 during their regular confirmation time, 6:00 to 7:15 p.m.). There will be a rotation of open gym, snacks, and laser tag. Students are asked to bring $5 to help cover laser tag costs.
Silent Auction Returns!
The annual Silent Auction, put on by OSL youth going on mission trips this summer, will begin on Saturday, February 25, and end on March 5. If you have any donations for the silent auction, please turn them in by February 12 to the Church Office with a completed Item Form, which can be found at the Youth Information Table in The Gathering Place. All proceeds from the auction will go toward the two summer trips, which 45 students have signed up for so far. Thank you for your continued support of OSL youth!
Scrip Cards
Another way you can support OSL students going on trips this summer is by buying scrip cards. Buy gift cards to places you already shop and students will receive a percentage of your purchase. Order forms can be found at the Youth Info Table in The Gathering Place. Orders must be turned in by Monday at 2:00 P.M. in order to receive your order the following Sunday.
Faith Formation Notes
Our Savior’s is collecting basic birthday supplies for Simon Says Give–Sioux Falls, an organization that makes “Birthday in a Bag” packs for families financially unable to provide celebration for their child on their birthday. Visit oslchurch.com/simon-says-give to sign up for items (to ensure proper numbers for completed bags), or you may contribute financially by February 5: simply note “Simon Says Give” on your cash envelope or the memo line of your check. The Wednesday and Sunday School children will put the completed bags together at a “We Love Because God First Loved Us” party. Thank you for helping make this a success and blessing an area child who otherwise wouldn’t experience a birthday party!
Faith Formation Notes, continued
Fourth-graders will celebrate their Apostles’ Creed Milestone on February 5, during the 11:00 a.m. Festive worship service, with family instructional time in the Friendship Room at 10:00.
All rotation students will sing at the 11:00 a.m. Festive worship service on February 5. If your child is in Sunday School, please pick him or her up and show them where you will be sitting in worship or waiting for them. Then they will line up by grade level. And, while you are marking your calendar, note that they will sing again on March 5, at the 8:45 a.m. Celebrate worship service.
There will be no Sunday School on February 19, and no Wednesday School on Feburary 15 or February 22.