Faith Formation Notes
Fourth graders will celebrate their Apostles’ Creed milestone on Sunday, February 4, at the 11:00 a.m. Festive worship service. Parents and students will meet for Family Time at 10:00 a.m. in the Friendship Room with Pr. Sami in lieu of Sunday School.
Rotation students (pre-K through grade three) will sing at the 11:00 a.m. Festive worship service that same Sunday, February 4.
Everyone is invited to Lutherans Outdoors Cross+Gen event in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 18, at 10:00 a.m. Staff will be on hand to lead in fun conversation and an activity, and share 2018 camp possibilities with you! This event for all is in lieu of Sunday School that morning. Fifth-graders and younger must have a parent or caring adult with them.
Youth Notes
Help young adults living away from home know that OSL cares about them and remembers them! Consider a donation of items for care packages to be assembled by the youth team: spiral-bound 3×5 index cards, mechanical pencils, highlighters, travel-size hand sanitizer, lip balm, microwave popcorn, and individual packages of conversation hearts will be collected at the Youth Table in The Gathering Place and in the Church Office through February 4. Financial donations to help with postage would be appreciated too! If you know someone who would appreciate a care package, share his or her name and address with Pr. Sami.
The Silent Auction, which is the fundraiser to support the 36 students going on mission trips and to the ELCA Youth Gathering, will begin on February 16 and will end on March 4. Be sure to check out the items on Saturday nights, Sunday mornings, and Wednesday nights, and bid on your favorites. Join us on Sunday, February 25, at 5:00 p.m. for the Silent Auction Banquet, complete with a meal, student talent, and entertainment, and a bonus opportunity to bid on items! On March 4, your breakfast ticket will go to support OSL youth as well. If you would like to donate items for the auction, bring them to Pr. Sami by February 4 with the completed form you will find at
Questions about OSL Youth Ministry? Contact me, Pr. Sami Johnson, 336-2942, ext. 12, or
An Easy Way to Support OSL Youth Ministry
When you purchase gift cards at the OSL Youth Ministry table on Sunday mornings, for yourself or to give to others, you support youth programs while receiving full value for your purchase—the amount rebated to Youth Ministry comes from the retailer!
Hy-Vee and Fareway cards are available for purchase on Sunday mornings; cards from many other stores (Barnes and Noble, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.) are available to order, at the Youth Ministry table or in the Church Office. Cards ordered by 2:00 p.m. on Monday will be available for pick-up on Thursday. Check out the Youth Ministry table in The Gathering Place for details.