Quick Calendar – Youth
5, 12 – Colorado hiking at Great Bear
8 – Colorado day hike to Newton Hills
9 – Colorado sending, meeting
10 – Colorado Boot Camp
12 – Summer Blast, Youth Gathering meeting, and Emerge fire
15–22 – Colorado Compass Points trip
23–26 – Joy Ranch Confirmation Camp
26 – Bowling and pizza, Suburban Lanes
Emerge Youth Group Fire
High-school youth will have their second fire of the year on Wednesday, July 14, at the fire pit. We will start at 7:15 p.m. with the ELCA Youth Gathering meeting (see below), then hang out till around 9:00 or until the bugs chase us away. There will be s’mores and hotdogs for roasting. Feel free to bring a chair or blanket to sit on.
ELCA Youth Gathering
Even though OSL Youth haven’t gone on all of their 2017 summer trips yet, we are looking ahead to next summer’s big event, the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas! There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, July 12, at 7:15 p.m. at the fire pit (behind the fence on the west side of the south parking lot). You will have an opportunity to pre-register to secure a spot on this trip. If you register at one of the informational meetings (there will be another on August 20) and make the $150 non-refundable deposit, you will get some added perks—not only a reduced trip price, but also a Gathering-themed Nalgene water bottle and two lunches paid for during the trip ($25 value).
Colorado Compass Points Trip
Thirty-six students and adults from OSL will caravan to Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp in Hillside, Colorado, on July 15 to spend the week in God’s glorious creation. Please keep these folks in your prayers during this trip that they may strengthen their relationships with God and each other, that they may have a true mountaintop experience, and that they don’t get altitude sickness or blisters: Students Madelynn Aeilts, Blake Albers, Braden Borns, Josie Boyd, Anna Boyens, Caden Clavel, Leanna Drenkow, Mitch Eichacker, Elise Etrheim, Hank Freese, Joey Haack, Dylan Hanson, Ben Horsted, Tristian Johnson, Helene Madsen, Ryan Mannes, Mallory Molstad, Meaghan Murphy, Anna Olson, Emily Olson, Ella Roberts-Oakland, Anna Robinson, Chloe Robinson, Elle Weg, Aunnah Wiese, Isaac Woods; and adults Chris Albers, Dane Bloch, Chad Borns, Breanna Burklund, John Etrheim, Elise Hasche, Pr. Sami Johnson, Chad Olson, Katie Romano, and Sally Woods.
MSYG Bowling and Pizza
Incoming sixth-graders through outgoing eighth-graders are invited to come over to Suburban Lanes (Spring Avenue, just south of 33rd Street) for a fun night of bowling and pizza! Meet there at 6:30; students can be picked up at 8:30. Parents and friends are welcome to join in! If you have a Great Life membership, you will only need to pay for your shoes. If you don’t, the cost will be $15. OSL will cover the pizza! Sign up at the Youth Information Table on the west side of The Gathering Place if you are planning to come. Friends are welcome!
Scrip and Grocery Gift Cards
Stop by the Youth Information table in The Gathering Place on Sunday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30, and see what kind of scrip gift cards you can order. Orders placed by 2:00 p.m. Monday will be available to pick up on Thursday afternoon in the Church Office, or at the Youth Information Table on Sunday mornings. OSL Youth continue to sell Hy-Vee and Fareway gift cards as well. All proceeds help Youth Ministry.

Faith Formation Notes
It isn’t too late to register for For You: Lutherans Outdoors Day Camp at OSL. NeSoDak staff will be on hand to lead camp games, Bible study, activities, and more with children who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade. Day Camp will be July 10 through 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., for $50. There will be a pizza party kickoff with camp stuff on the evening of July 9; the camp program will be presented on Thursday, July 13, at 2:30 p.m. Register at oslchurch.com/children. Invite your friends!

Faith Formation Notes cont’d
Confirmation Camp for Incoming Sixth-Graders, July 23 through 26, at Joy Ranch, provides the opportunity for Wednesday and Sunday School fifth-graders to come together for the first time and grow friendships with each other, as well as deepen their relationships with Pr. Sami and OSL Youth Director Elise Hasche, before confirmation begins. This will make the transition to confirmation class more comfortable and meaningful this fall. The camp also offers encounters with Jesus in ways that can’t be replicated in the church or home. Come enjoy horseback riding, worship, campfires, games, hanging with the Youth Director, s’mores, swimming in the lake, etc.
If you haven’t registered already, do so now! Register online vis the link at oslchurch.com/youth-family (click the Middle School and High School Ministry button). The cost indicated is $375, but OSL covers $95 per camper, so deposit only $280!
Questions? Contact Nicole Mindt, 336-2942, ext. 33, or nmindt@oslchurch.com.