Quick Calendar – Youth
5 – Colorado Boot Camp, 11:00 a.m.
7 – Fire pit seat building day
7, 14, 21, 28 – Colorado Hiking at Great Bear, 9:00–10:30 a.m.
11 – Kenosha sending, Celebrate worship; Colorado Boot Camp, 12:30 p.m.
14 – Emerge Fire
15 – Summer Blast
17–18 – Kenosha Week of Hope trip
25 – Colorado Boot Camp, 11:00 a.m.
28 – MSYG – Kids against Hunger, followed by ice cream
29 – Valleyfair
Kenosha Week of Hope
These folks will be serving the community in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for a Week of Hope, June 17 through 23: Dawson Black, Adam Boyens, Emma Boyens, Ethan Boyens, Riley Buus, Jaxon Eichacker, Karli Haack, Taryn Heibult, Chet Leuning, Luke Matzner, Sadie Mickelson, Avery Nelson. Adults: Susan Eichacker, Elise Hasche, Pr. Sami Johnson, Gabe Nelson…and one more mystery adult leader TBD. There will be a sending service during Celebrate worship on Sunday, June 11. On that day, the group will be meeting as in the Youth Room between service for last-minute updates and notes.
Scrip and Grocery Gift Cards
Looking for an easy graduation present? Stop by the Youth Information table in The Gathering Place on Sunday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30, and see what kind of scrip gift cards you can order. Orders placed by 2:00 p.m. Monday will be available to pick up on Thursday afternoon in the Church Office, or at the Youth Information Table on Sunday mornings. OSL Youth continue to sell Hy-Vee and Fareway gift cards as well. All proceeds help Youth Ministry.
OS Youth will be heading to Valleyfair for the annual summer pilgrimage on Thursday, June 29, for a day of fun in the sun! The group will leave OSL at 7:00 a.m. and return by 10:00 p.m. Students who have completed grades six through 12, as well as their friends, are welcome to join! Turn in registration by June 14; students cannot go unless a registration form has been filled out and signed by parents. The cost will be $80, which covers transportation and admission (water park included, so bring your swimsuit and towel!). Students are on their own for food and anything extra they want to buy. There will be a “brown bag” lunch option, for an additional $5; you can choose a lunch option on the registration form. We are also looking for some adults to come along as well, so contact Elise, (ehasche@oslchurch.com or 336-2942, ext. 35) if you want to come along!
Emerge Youth Group Summer Edition
Some fun events are planned for OSL high-school students this summer—which also includes incoming freshmen! Be sure to mark your calendar with these events:
• June 7 – Building seating for the fire pit! Meet at the “grassy knoll” (behind the fence on the west side of the parking lot) at 11:00 a.m.; we’ll go till we’re done! Lunch will be provided. Come prepared to maybe get dirty.
• June 14 – Campfire! There will be s’mores, hotdogs and such to roast, and, of course, the Gaga pit will be up! Feel free to bring a friend! We’ll go from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
MSYG Summer Edition
Middle-school students and friends are invited to join in food packing at Kids against Hunger (33rd Street and Minnesota Avenue), followed by ice cream, on Wednesday, June 28. We will meet at KAH at 6:30 p.m., then walk over to Dairy Queen afterward. Students will be ready for pick-up at DQ around 8:30. Please bring a $10 donation for KAH and wear closed-toe shoes!

Faith Formation Notes
• Don’t miss OSL Children’s Night at Thunder Road! This is a whole-family event for any family with a child from birth through grade five. It will be happening on Sunday, June 11, from 4:00 to 7:00, and you can mini-golf or enjoy any other attraction for only $4.25 per ticket. Children age five and younger may mini-golf for free with a paying adult. All you need to do is say you are there for the special Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Children’s Night to receive the special pricing.
• Vacation Bible School will be June 12 through 15, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, for students age three through grade five. Passport to Peru will bring your faith alive in celebrating God’s promises in your life while exploring the sites, sound, activities, and eats of Peru through food, decoration, music, crafting, games, activities, and more. The cost is $10 per student, and you may register at oslchurch.com/children. A celebration program will be presented on June 15, at 11:30 a.m. Want to volunteer? Contact Melissa Nesdahl, mnesdahl@oslchurch.com.

Faith Formation Notes cont’d
• It isn’t too late to register for Lutherans Outdoors Day Camp at OSL. NeSoDak staff will be coming to do camp games, Bible study, activities, and more with children who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade. Day Camp will be July 10 through 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., for $50. There will be a pizza party kickoff with camp stuff on the evening of July 9; the camp program will be presented on Thursday, July 13, at 2:30 P.M. Register at oslchurch.com/children.
• Incoming sixth graders, please get signed up for confirmation camp! Registration and details are at oslchurch.com/middle-school-high-school.
• Thank you to each and every one of you who volunteered to make Sunday and Wednesday school a success! The children had an amazing year thanks to your love and dedication in having fun sharing the faith with them.