Quick Calendar – Youth
6 – Confirmation Orientation
10 – MSYG begins
13, 20 – Regular Wednesday Scheduled
17 – MSYG; Trip Meeting
23 – The Banquet (Grade 8 & 9)
24 – MSYG
27 – Confirmation Service Night; Emerge Youth Group
What Do You Know?
Do you have specific knowledge or interest about a biblical or faith-based subject? Or a talent that God has blessed you with that you wish to share with students?
OSL Youth Ministry is looking for adults who would like to teach a two- to three-week course in something they are passionate about to a small group of confirmation students, in January 2018. Sound interesting? Contact Elise, ehasche@oslchurch.com or 336-2942, ext. 35, to discuss.
Scrip and Grocery Gift Cards
Stop by the Youth Information table in The Gathering Place on Sunday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30, and see what kind of scrip gift cards you can order. Orders placed by 2:00 p.m. Monday will be available to pick up on Thursday afternoon in the Church Office, or at the Youth Information Table on Sunday mornings. OSL Youth continue to sell Hy-Vee and Fareway gift cards as well. All proceeds help Youth Ministry.
Youth Groups
OSL offers two youth groups, MSYG for middle-school students and Emerge for high-school students. Youth group is meant to be a safe place for students to meet, ask questions, have some snacks or donuts, play games, and get to know other students at OSL.
MSYG will meet on Sunday mornings, from 10:00 to 10:50, with Trish Syverson, beginning on September 10.
Emerge will be on Wednesday nights, from 7:00 to 8:30, with Elise, starting on September 13.
Don’t forget: if you are going on a summer trip, you earn $5 toward your fundraising goal each time you come to youth group!
Summer Trips
There will be two youth trips happening next summer, The ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, June 26 through July 2; and a Week of Hope in Minneapolis, July 15 through 20. See the Bullhorn or oslchurch.com/youth for details.
Week of Hope
Students in grades 6 through 12 and their parents are invited to learn about next summer’s Week of Hope service trip to Minneapolis. Meet on Sunday, September 17, at 10:00 a.m., in the back Youth Room, to get details on the trip, which will be July 15 through 20 and will cost around $550, with a $150 nonrefundable deposit due by October 11.
Faith Formation Notes
Kick-Off Sunday is September 10—and Sunday School will resume that morning, with Wednesday School kick-off on September 13. Register all Sunday and Wednesday students (even if they have attended in the past) for the 2017–2018 educational year via the link at oslchurch.com/children. This will help ensure that OSL has your current contact information, that your child is placed in the right grade level, and that you receive important information during the school year.
The three-year-old Bible Milestone will be on September 24. Families of three-year-old students will meet for family time with Pr. Sami in the Friendship Room at 10:00 a.m., then receive their Bibles at the 11:00 Festive worship service. The three-year-olds also will sing at that worship service.