“And now – especially now – faith, hope, and love abide…”
1 Corinthians 13:13 (SPPLV – Senior Pastor’s Poetic License Version)
No one could have predicted we would be living through a pandemic in the spring of 2020, yet here we are. All of life looks very different than it did just a few months ago and none of us knows what the future holds.Even so, Our Savior’s continues to serve as a beacon of faith, hope, and love in the midst of great fear and uncertainty.
Faithful, Hopeful, Loving is Our Savior’s 2020 Stewardship Appeal. Without knowing what the future holds, we believe God is leading us forward with a clear vision for ministry in the year ahead:
Out of abundance
we will joyfully celebrate God’s grace
and boldly embrace and serve all.
You are invited to share a story from your life that embodies OSL’s core value of Generosity. Clicking the button will take you to a Google Form questionnaire; you may respond to any or all of the questions. (Note: By sharing, you are giving OSL permission to share your story. Due to time constraints, your responses may be edited.)
At this unprecedented time, let us stand together (figuratively, of course; remember social distancing) in faith, hope, and love to be the church that proclaims Christ and nurtures faith that connects to everyday life, no matter what.