Office Hours
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday (except holidays), 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. In case of emergency after hours, call the Church Office – 605-336-2942 – and follow the recorded instructions.
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Finding OSL
Our Savior’s address is 909 W. 33rd Street, a few blocks west of Minnesota Avenue, just south of Augustana University (formerly Augustana College). Parking and the main entrance are on the south side of the church building. There is also a small parking lot on the west side of the building, just off Prairie Avenue. You’ll find a map in the top right-hand corner of this page.
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Baptisms, Wedding, and Funerals or Memorial Services
To schedule a baptism, contact the Church Office, 605-336-2942.
To schedule a wedding, contact the Church Office, 605-336-2942. Download a copy of OSL’s wedding planning guide via this link.
When a member of the congregation dies, notify the church as soon as possible, 605-336-2942. Our Savior’s has prepared a booklet to help with planning a funeral or memorial service. Download a copy of the booklet via this link.
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Becoming a Member
Joining the community of Our Savior’s includes participating in a class and being received publicly in worship. Contact the Church Office, 605-336-2942, or check Opportunities on the OSL website to see when the next orientation class will be held.
If you are already a member and need to update your contact information, please do so at My OSL.
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My OSLMy OSL is your way to connect with all the goings-on at Our Savior’s. It lets you control and update the information you want to share with your OSL family (new email address? Jump online and make the change instantly!), find out about upcoming events and programs, and register quickly online. My OSL lets you find a phone number or e-mail address for your OSL friends. Eventually, My OSL will serve as an online church directory for Our Savior’s.
To get started, simply click here and follow the instructions.
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Facilities Use
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church welcomes the use of its facilities by OSL members and other groups who support the mission of the congregation. Facilities and equipment policies have been developed to aid the members and staff of the congregation in conducting these programs.
Anyone who would like to use the OSL facilities must visit with Debbie Theis in person. (605) 336-2942, ext. 14,
Contact the Church Office, 605-336-2942, to schedule or for more information.
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The Constitution of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is under construction, for your reference.
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- Phone
- Office Hours
8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.Friday8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. - Office Address
Our Savior's Lutheran Church909 W. 33rd St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Worship Services –
Festive Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary.
Celebrate: 8:45 a.m., Celebrate Center.
Festive: 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary.