General, Topical, and Interest Groups

Conversations with God is a group of pray-ers who meet at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesdays in the Chapel to pray for individual and community concerns.
Knitters and Crocheters knit prayer and baptismal shawls for use in the ministries of Our Savior’s. They do so individually but periodically come together to share their creations and ministry. The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., in the Oasis Room. Check the OSL calendar for specific dates.

Here are the patterns that the group uses:

OSL’s Peace by Piece Quilters turn fabric into quilts to be sent around the world—no small task, but the quilters at OSL have it down to a science. The quilters meet twice a month, every other Tuesday, cutting, pinning, sewing, tying, and enjoying fellowship as they go. Check the OSL calendar for specific dates.

Woodshop Ministry

Every week, OSL’s Woodshop Team meets in the fully equipped shop to work together on projects for the congregation. Team members meet on Saturday mornings from 8:00 to noon and Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 . Woodshop members are welcome to work on projects individually, or get together to work on projects, on other days of the week as well. For more information on how you can become part of this ministry, contact Pr. Tim Lemme, or 605-336-2942.

Support Groups

Grief Groups meet at OSL, some regularly and some seasonally. For additional information, contact Pr. Tim Lemme, or 605-336-2942, ext. 19.

Photo by Mari Helin-Tuominen on Stock Snap.

Saturday Morning Bible Study

All are welcome and encouraged to attend Saturday Morning Bible Study, beginning on September 17 and continuing on the first and third Saturdays of the month, from 8L30 to 9:30 in the Conference Room. Bible study, conversation, and, yes, donuts and coffee are the agenda.

The fall study will be based on conversations around different faith traditions and denominations, utilizing the book Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith. For more information, contact Pr. Tim Lemme, or 605-336-2942, ext. 19.

Caring and Serving Groups

Caring Friends visit OSL members in care centers and/or their own homes.

Hospital Visitation members visit other OSL members in the hospital.

Stephen Ministry trains members to walk with people in times of crisis or times when extra support is needed. They walk with by listening and encouraging their care receivers. Stephen Ministers meet individually with care receivers and with small groups of other Stephen Ministers for support in their ministry. Read more at If you would like to know more about serving as a Stephen Minister or if you are in need of receiving care from a Stephen Minister, contact Pr. Tim Lemme (

Dinner to your Door gathers cooks to prepare meals that are frozen and then brought out to members and friends who are in need of a prepared meal—such as a family with a new baby, a person who is recovering from surgery, or someone who has had a death in the family. Kept in the freezer at OSL, members are welcome to take a meal out to someone they know at any time. The Dinner to your Door group makes sure the freezer is stocked with good, nourishing meals that embody the care of the community.

Wednesday Night Servers, also known as the Kitchen Crew, serves food, does dishes, and may even sweep a floor or two–and has a lot of fun doing it. Behind-the-scenes is often where the best laughs are shared and the most meaningful connections made.

Offering Counters come together on Monday mornings to count the weekly offering. If you have a talent for numbers and would like to share your Monday morning coffee with others, this may be the place for you.

Healing Garden is a group for those with a green thumb or for those who have a knack for pulling weeds. This group tends and cares for the Healing Garden, a quiet, reflective place for anyone who wants to sit for awhile in a beautiful garden.

Office Hours
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Office Address
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
909 W. 33rd St.

Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Worship Services –
Festive Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary.
Celebrate: 8:45 a.m., Celebrate Center.
Festive: 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary.

Our Savior's Lutheran Church is a congregation of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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