Spiritual Care Ministries

Welcome to Dorene Weinstein, who has joined the OSL staff as Spiritual Care Coordinator! Dorene has been helping out as a volunteer for some time now, as part of the media team for Festive worship services; now she’ll be on the scene even more often! When you see her, be sure to say hello!
Keeping an Eye On:
Blood Pressure: Wondering what your blood pressure is and whether or not it is in the healthy range? You may use Spiritual Care Ministries’ Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Station, available during regular office hours.
Footcare: Clinics for footcare are offered regularly at a low cost. Check the calendar for available times. To schedule, call the Church Office, 336-2942.
Exercise: Walking routes, gym time, and exercise groups are a part of the life of OSL. Check the calendar for specific opportunities.
Faith Community Nurse Visits: Our Savior’s is in the process of hiring a Faith Community Nurse following the retirement of the previous nurse, Michelle Anderson. Keep an eye out for news about a new Faith Community Nurse, at which time home visits will be available again.
Support Groups
Grief Groups meet at OSL, some regularly and some seasonally. For additional information, contact Pr. Tim Lemme, tlemme@oslchurch.com or 336-2942, ext. 19.
Faith Community Nurse
Our Savior’s was one of the first congregations in Sioux Falls to have a Parish Nurse (now knows as Faith Community Nurse) on staff, and has helped other congregations learn about and facilitate their own programs. Our Savior’s is in the process of hiring a Faith Community Nurse following the retirement of the previous nurse, Michelle Anderson. Keep an eye out for news about a new Faith Community Nurse, at which time home visits will be available again.
Our Savior’s also is the home of the Sanford Faith Community Nursing Center (formerly Sanford Parish Nurse Institute), housed in OSL’s Spiritual Care Ministries area. OSL and Sanford recognize that faith is not separate from a person’s being, including his or her health, and work together to enhance the ministry of the church through faith community nursing. To learn more about faith community nursing for your church, contact Karla Cazer, FCN Coordinator, Karla.Cazer@sanfordhealth.org or 336-2942, ext. 18.
Live Well Sioux Falls
Live Well Sioux Falls is a community-based initiative designed to help improve the health and well-being of Sioux Falls residents by collaborating on projects to address health needs. The Live Well Sioux Falls Coalition, a group of diverse businesses is instrumental in guiding our efforts. Learn more at http://livewellsiouxfalls.org.

What exactly is a Buddy Bench, you ask? The idea first came to my attention while attending a Sanford Health Ministry Conference on loneliness. Many people deal with feelings of loneliness each day, in our society, at church, even in our own homes. How we provide support and care for these people comes in a variety of ways, one of which is the Buddy Bench Ministry.
The idea began one day when a grade school student on a playground noticed some of the kids didn’t have anyone to play with. This student had compassion for them, and decided that she wanted to be a friend to those who looked lonely. She would sit on a bench at recess and wait for those who were alone to sit with her, then she would offer to go play with them, or to just sit and talk and be a friend to them for a while. Soon there were news stories about this compassionate caregiver of the playground, and the concept of the Buddy Bench began. Since then, the idea has taken off, with schools, hospitals, and churches putting Buddy Benches in the buildings and on their grounds. From this one little act of compassion and kindness, a whole movement began.

—Pr. Tim Lemme
- communications@oslchurch.com
- Phone
- Office Hours
8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.Friday8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. - Office Address
Our Savior's Lutheran Church909 W. 33rd St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Worship Services –
Festive Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary.
Celebrate: 8:45 a.m., Celebrate Center.
Festive: 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary.