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Quick Calendar
2 – MSYG; Ninth-Grade Confirmation Retreat, 3:30–6:30 p.m.
5 – Regular Wednesday Schedule
9 – MSYG
12 – Service Night (Regular-ish Wednesday schedule); Youth Trip Deposit Deadline
16 – MSYG; Confirmation Banquet, 5:00–7:00 p.m.
17 – Every Day Samaritan Leader Training, 7:00–9:00 p.m.
19, 26 – Regular Wednesday Schedule
23 – MSYG
28 – Middle School Late Night Event, 7:00–11:00 p.m.
29, 30 – Affirmation of Baptism, in Worship
Late Night Event
The first of two middle-school Late Night Events will be on Friday, October 28, from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. All middle-school students and their friends are invited! Augustana Outreach will be here to lead the night’s festivities and, don’t worry, there will be plenty of food! Sign up at the Youth information table in The Gathering Place or the education desk on the lower level.
Affirmation of Baptism
Forty-one students will be taking a step in their faith lives the weekend of October 29 and 30, at all worship services, as they affirm their baptismal promises. Continue to lift up these students in their daily lives as they follow the path to learning what it means to be a child of God.
Blanket Tying Party
OSL has been collecting fleece for Project Warm-Up, which gifts blankets to hundreds of students who face homelessness, as well as families who have lost their home through tragedy or natural disaster in and around Sioux Falls. Now it’s time for a blanket tying party, on Wednesday, October 12, beginning at 6:00 p.m., to blanket area friends in love.
Your family may come and go as you wish. The project will be in The Gathering Place, with overflow in Fellowship Hall, and will finish at 8:30 p.m. If you wish to make a blanket but cannot come on October 12, you may make your blanket(s) at home with the instructions at projectwarmup.org/how-to.html, and drop it off in the collection tubs outside the Caring Ministries area any Sunday before October 12 or in the Church Office during the week.
Even the littlest of hands can help make these! This is a great way to come together as family and talk with your children about how a simple comfort item they helped create reminds others that they are loved. If your child is in Wednesday School, he or she can join in the fun after 6:50 p.m.
Youth Trips
The deadline is quickly approaching for deposits to sign up for one of next summer’s youth trips! There will be a service trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin, June 17 through 23 for middle- or high-school students, or a backpacking trip to Colorado, July 15 through 22 for high-school students. Information and registration forms can be found at the Youth information table in The Gathering Place. Non-refundable $100 deposits are due October 12.
Youth Groups
Both MSYG and Emerge continue to meet at their respective times during October. Don’t forget—if you sign up to participate in a youth trip, you’ll earn $5 toward your trip account each time you attend Youth Group! It’s a great way to get to know those who will be traveling with you as well as earn some money to pay for the trip!
Ninth-Grade Confirmation
October is the last month of formal confirmation classes for ninth-grade students. Don’t forget the mini-retreat on Sunday, October 2, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., in the Youth Room. Also, Faith Projects are due at the Confirmation Banquet on October 16. Let Elise know if you have any questions: 336-2942, ext. 35; ehasche@oslchurch.com.
EDS Training
In January, confirmation students will be going through a five-week program called Every Day Samaritan, which is a simplified version of Peer Ministry. Leader training will take place on Monday, October 17, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Youth Room. If you are interested in being a part of this program, contact Elise Hasche: 336-2942, ext. 35; ehasche@oslchurch.com.
Nursery Opportunities
The OSL Nursery is a fun and busy place—so busy that positions have opened up for one or two new staff members as well as volunteers who can donate an hour or two every month. Contact Amanda Bork, (605) 351-5765 or abork@oslchurch.com, for details.
Advent Fair
Mark your calendar to attend the OSL Advent Fair on November 30. This family event will include candle-making, creating a beautiful Advent wreath, ornament design, cookie decorating, lefse, and more. Come craft together and take home treasures that will encourage faith growth this Advent season.
Reformation Celebration
Celebrate the 499th anniversary of the Reformation! Join your child age four through third grade at Sunday School on October 30 or Wednesday School on October 26 to gain understanding of Lutheran heritage and rejoice in the grace-filled hope of that tradition.