Is the sky green with blaring tornado sirens? Has the neighborhood lost power? Does the weather forecast include a winter watch, warning, or blizzard?
Here’s how to know if your events at Our Savior’s are canceled.
General Rule of Thumb
If activities or classes are canceled by the Sioux Falls School District, activities are canceled at Our Savior’s too.
However, since worship is central to OSL’s mission, worship services may well take place even if the school district has canceled its activities. Specific information about worship services will be shared widely separately from any activities cancelation. See below to find out where and how to stay informed.
In the Event of Emergency Cancelation…
Find latest updates on cancelations at
● The News page
● OSL’s Facebook page
● Your email—the OSL team will send an email to all subscribers to notify you about a cancelation. (Not on the list? Follow this link to sign up, and you’ll receive notice of Coming up at OSL every week, too!)
Our Savior’s Is Open, but Is My Event Still Happening?
Sometimes individual ministries will decide to cancel or reschedule events, even if the OSL campus remains open. Our Savior’s does not post information about individual cancelations. Check with the person coordinating your event if you have questions.
My Event Is Scheduled Off-Site. Is It Still Happening?
Our Savior’s does not post information about individual cancelations. If you have an off-site event scheduled, and the OSL facility is closed, contact the person coordinating your event for specific details.
Worship Is Canceled and Now I’m Sad.
Even if we (rarely) cancel worship, we can still equip you to search for God in your Sabbath. Visit to watch an archived worship service; or check OSL’s Facebook page for the latest. If we cancel worship, one of our ministers will provide an opportunity for you to engage your faith from the safety of your home!