From the Senior Pastor
The Lenten Journey
The season of Lent begins every year on Ash Wednesday—this year Ash Wednesday is March 1—and continues for 40 days, not counting Sundays, until we arrive at the great festival of Easter, when we celebrate the new possibility of resurrection through the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
In the church, Lent is a season of holy discipline, of listening and responding to the call of scripture to return to the Lord, a season when we use spiritual practices like worship, prayer, fasting, and giving special offerings as a way of realigning our lives of faith and nurturing our relationship with God.
This year at Our Savior’s, we will once again gather for midweek worship during Lent on Wednesdays, at noon and at 6:40 p.m., in the Sanctuary. Our theme—“Can I Get a Witness?”—will draw us into the story of Jesus’ passion through dramatic reflections from the perspectives of key characters in the story. Their witness will provide us with the opportunity to reflect on how we give witness to our faith in the One whose love for all is transforming the world. Be sure to make midweek worship part of your Lenten discipline this year.
Two other opportunities will enhance your Lenten experience this year. The first is an opportunity to give. Our Savior’s has once again accepted the challenge from ELCA World Hunger to be a “$10,000 Challenge Church” in the 40 Days of Giving campaign in support of ELCA hunger ministries throughout the world. All Lenten and Easter offerings received in 2017 will be designated for this important and life-sustaining ministry. Please give joyfully and generously so that we not only meet the challenge of raising $10,000 but even surpass last year’s total of $24,926.
In addition, we’re offering free of charge two resources that align beautifully with this focus on hunger: the 40 Days of Giving daily devotional and Bread for the World’s Lenten Prayers for Hungry People. Both resources are available at the Information Center and in the Church Office. Feel free to pick up one or both of them and use them to guide your Lenten devotional practice.
The second opportunity is a true “outreach” event designed to motivate us to be witnesses to our faith by inviting others to be a part of our life together here at Our Savior’s. On Friday, April 7, we will host Christian comedian Scott Davis for “Sweet Life Dessert Comedy Theatre,” in the Celebrate Center. This family-friendly event will feature desserts, fellowship, and a 90-minute comedy concert by Scott. Tickets for the event are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Make plans now to attend this fun-filled event, and be sure to use the invitation cards that will be distributed later in March to invite others to join us as well. You’ll find more information and online ticketing information at oslchurch.com.
As we move through this holy season together, may God bless us by strengthening us in our faith and empowering us to be bold witnesses to the love and hope that is ours in Christ Jesus.
Pr. Randy Gehring
January 18, 2017
Devante and Dukadius Justus, the children of Amber Justus
February 5, 2017
Adalyn Kay Piearson, the daughter of Drew and Celina Piearson
January 8, 2017
Flowers given by Nancy Gustafson and family in honor of Conrad’s birthday on January 5.
February 5, 2017
Flowers given in memory of Mary Ann Knutson, who died on February 2, 2016, by her family.
Memorials and Honoraria
January 2017
In Memory of Sally Ahrendt
Marsha Millage
Don and Toady Weeg
In Memory of Evelyn Bergh
Don and Toady Weeg
In Memory of Darlene Carlson
Twyla Brandsma
Steve and Cindy Britt
Duane and Lavonne Christofferson
Georgia Christopulos
Mandeline Gaede
Phyllis Harmsen
Irene Peterson
Brenda Sexton
Troy and Kimberly Swift
In Memory of Darrell Svendsen
Lowell and Sally Almen