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Quick Calendar
4, 11, 18 – MSYG
7, 14 – Advent Wednesday schedule
21 – No confirmation; Youth Group Alumni Night

Sharing the Joy of Christmas
The Angel Tree is up, near the south entrance! By selecting a name off the tree, you will bless an area child from Lutheran Social Services, Children’s Home Society, or Volunteers of America who otherwise may not receive a gift this Christmas. Please drop your gift off in the Church Office by December 11. Thank you for being part of Christmas joy.

College Care Packages
It’s time to start thinking about the February service project—putting together care packages for OSL’s college students! But first we need their addresses! Email your student’s address to Elise Hasche ( or fill out a form at the Youth Table in The Gathering Place. Watch for a list of items to be collected for the boxes!

Perfect Gift for Your Kids…and You!
Packed with tools, resources, and step-by-step instructions for parents, Financial Peace Junior is a fun package that will help you raise money-smart kids! Through fun stories and activities, your kids will learn the values of working, giving, saving, and spending—important life lessons! Learn all about it at

Children’s Christmas Program
Plan to attend the OSL Children’s Christmas program, on December 11 during the 8:45 Celebrate and 11:00 a.m. Festive worship services. Rotation students and fourth- and fifth-graders will have practice on Saturday, December 10, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Parents are asked to stay during that time.

Advent Wednesday Schedule
With midweek Advent worship happening at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in December, the confirmation and Youth Group schedule will be slightly adjusted. Confirmation students will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the small-group room until it is time to head up to worship around 6:25. Students are encouraged to sit with their families at worship or with their small-group leader. Youth Group students will meet for worship and sit together, then gather in the Youth Room for their regular time together.

Emerge Youth Group
As mentioned previously, Youth Group students are encouraged to join together for worship at 6:30 p.m. Regular group time will start around 7:15, or shortly after worship gets over, and conclude at 8:45. On December 14, there will be a Christmas party with a fun gift exchange, and on December 21, Youth Group alumni are invited to come hang out for some fancy hot chocolate, food, and fellowship! It will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room.

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