Quick Calendar – Youth
4, 11, 18, 25 – Regular Wednesday schedule
8, 15, 22, 29 – Regular Sunday schedule
15 – Summer trip meeting
18 – Faith Fest registration due
College Care Packages
OSL Youth will be once again sending care packages to college students in February. If you would like to have your student (members only, please) receive a package, send their address to ehasche@oslchurch.com. The group is also collecting items for the packages, including coloring books and crayons, activity books (Sudoku, word puzzles, etc.), fun writing utensils, fuzzy socks (for both boys and girls), lip balm, granola bars, and healthy snacks. Drop off items in the Church Office by February 1.
Every Day Samaritan
Confirmation students will be doing something a little bit different this January during their regular confirmation time. They will be using the program called “Every Day Samaritan” which is a five-week course that teaches students to become Christian leaders by caring and welcoming others every day, everywhere, and in every relationship. Be sure to ask your confirmation student about everything they are learning!
Faith Fest
Middle-school students are invited to Faith Fest, 24 hours of fun, service, and worship at Augustana University, on February 11 and 12! The cost is $50, which covers two meals, a T-shirt, lodging for the night, and all program expenses. This year’s theme is “The Whole World in God’s Hands,” and will feature ELCA Global Musicians. Registration is due by January 18. More information may be found at augie.edu/faithfest.
Silent Auction
The Silent Auction is almost upon us! If you have anything that you would like to donate to the cause, please drop it off at the Church Office with a completed Auction Item Form, which can be found at the Youth Info Table in The Gathering Place, by February 12. The Auction will support two trips: one to Kenosha, Wisconsin, for a “Week of Hope” serving the community there, and one to Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp for a week of backpacking and whitewater rafting! Currently 38 students have signed up for these trips.
Scrip Cards
Another way you can support OSL students going on trips this summer is by buying scrip cards. Buy gift cards to places you already shop and students will receive a percentage of your purchase. Order forms can be found at the Youth Info Table in The Gathering Place. Orders must be turned in by Monday at 2:00 P.M. in order to receive your order the following Sunday.
Summer Trip Meeting
All students participating in a trip this summer, and a parental unit, are expected to attend a meeting on Sunday, January 15, at 10:00 a.m., in the back Youth Room. The agenda will mainly be going over Silent Auction information and signing up for work times.

Every Day Samaritan
Confirmation students will be doing something a little bit different this January during their regular confirmation time. They will be using the program called “Every Day Samaritan” which is a five-week course that teaches students to become Christian leaders by caring and welcoming others every day, everywhere, and in every relationship. Be sure to ask your confirmation student about everything they are learning!
Milestone Ahead
January 8 is the Baptism of Our Lord Milestone for everyone baptized within the last year. This milestone will be celebrated at the Kidtalk during all worship services. Family/instructional time will be from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. in the Friendship Room.
Another Milestone
OSL’s second-graders will celebrate their 10 Commandments Milestone on January 22. They will celebrate this milestone during the 8:45 a.m. Celebrate worship service, so if you have a child that age, make plans to attend. A family instructional time will take place from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. (after worship) in the Friendship Room.